Hello everyone. A lot has happened since my last posting, so I figured that it is time for another one of my ranch updates.
First of all, it has come to my attention that my playful personality is not always appreciated. Not everyone gets me, and I understand that. To know me is to love me, so obviously some folks do not truly know me. Even my horsey friends!
Let me give you an example. Ladyhawke has been in a bit of a crabby mood this week. In an attempt to cheer her up, I started nudging and playing with the mare. My intentions were noble and sincere.
But what did I get for all of my effort? Why, a swift kick to my ego and my nose! Look closely at my snout the next time you are at the ranch. You will see the faint mark of Hawke’s foot that I wear proudly as a badge of honor, as one who was willing to suffer for the welfare of others.
This selfless concern for my stablemates does not mean that I don’t have my own quirks. Mo and John have observed that I sometimes “pout” a bit when I am corrected by my handlers. I just operate under the philosophy that one should live life the Gimli Way (or else hit the highway). What some see as pouting, I see as personal reflection and contemplation. I have an introspective side, which some humans might interpret as mere pouting. I say, “Let Gimli be Gimli!!!”
Excitement is building at the ranch for our April/May session block. The call-in for registration begins on Saturday, March 5th promptly at 8am. I miss having the children ride me, so I am counting the days until April. Be sure to register promptly to be sure of getting a spot in the next session block.
The other event on my personal calendar is the upcoming Heirloom Tomato Plant Sale on Saturday, March 19th from 9am to 2pm. While I do not eat tomatoes myself, I can see from my paddock what a delight they bring to many of my human friends. Many varieties of tomato plants will be available for purchase. It’s a great way to develop your green thumb while supporting Mercy Spring Ranch.
Well, that’s it for now. There is much more that I could say, but it can wait until next time. I am pleased that you have taken the time to read my ranch reflections.
Happy Trails,
February 25, 2022