Hello my faithful friends. It’s time for another one of my regular updates about life here at Mercy Spring Ranch.
Last week I issued a New Flash about the new ASK GIMLI box, available for your written questions. One young person wasted no time and wrote me an interesting inquiry. They asked me, “Do you enjoy having fish in your water trough?”
The quick answer is YES! I love watching them swim as I bend down for a drink of water. They dart out of the way when I am drinking, and sometimes they tickle my lips as they swim by. To me, fish are friends, not food!
The fish do serve a good purpose for the ranch. They eat mosquito larvae (things that look like baby worms) before they can develop into nasty mosquitoes. Each larva that they eat means one less bite on your neck or arms. In their own little way, these fish will make your next visit to the ranch that much more enjoyable.
And speaking of enjoyable, I had a lot of fun playing with a jacket that I found hung near my paddock. I bit down hard on it, and flung the jacket to the left and to the right with amazing speed and rhythm. The horse handler who left the jacket within my reach learned a valuable lesson about respecting my personal space. I really am a good teacher!
Since we are discussing my educational skill set, I can take credit for teaching Ladyhawke a new trick this week. She now has the ability to flip over the mounting block. It’s just our way of improving the Feng Shui of the arena. Mo and John should add a few more blocks into the budget to accomodate our new acrobatic activities.
It was great to see everyone last Saturday at the Heirloom Tomato Plant Sale. From all the smiles on the faces, I could tell that folks were very happy with their purchases. Your support for the ranch will continue to produce fruit in the lives of area children for many years to come.
Well, that’s all for now. I will try to post more pictures when I get them. Since I am so photogenic, I should have plenty to pick from. Two young women (you know who you are, A & P) spent extra time grooming me during the plant sale. Now I will look great for all my upcoming photo-ops.
Happy Trails,
Gimli April 20, 2022