Hello, worldwide online visitors to this blog. It’s time to find out what has been happening at Mercy Spring Ranch this past week.
As part of my online modeling career, I asked Miss Mo to braid my tail (partially for personal comfort, and partially as being a fashion-forward horse). The final result would do any fashionista proud!
Some compared it to a medieval cat o’ nines, which was used as an effective whip in its day. Perhaps now Ladyhawke will think twice before trying to take a nip out of me. I would have posted a picture of it below, but my modeling agent asked that I save all such glamor shots for my upcoming photo spread in Equine Vogue.
The excitement still has not died down from last week’s two-day Ronnie Moyer Horse Clinic at the ranch. From the inspiring devotionals to the practical advice on communication with horses, the participants were encouraged by their new-found ability to engage with their equine companions.
I managed to eavesdrop a bit on the sessions, and learned a few things that will help me to better understand human behavior. Students learned the importance of slapping their legs to maintain attention and connection with the horse … and here I thought that they were merely slapping flies and mosquitoes off their body! These classes will go a long way toward enhancing horse and human communication.
Some folks saw me pacing in my paddock during the classes, and looking for my dear Ladyhawke while she was on display in the round pen. Bales of hay were blocking my view, so I vocalized my displeasure. I also wanted the visiting horses to know of my presence on the ranch, so that they would know their place as simply visitors (and not additions) to the herd! We all got along just fine after that.
It looks like we will be digging trenches later this month to run electrical conduit, which will power different areas of the ranch. If you have a heart to volunteer for this project, please see our Facebook page for more information on when and where you can serve. The more helping hands we get, the easier the work will be.
Our ranch family dinner is also fast approaching. I have been practicing some basic maneuvers with the children which will be on display for all to see. It is also a great time of food and fellowship. The dinner will be October 22nd from 3-7pm. I look forward to this day every year.
So much more could be said about any of these events, but I have to stop writing and go into rehearsal for my next musical production. I have been thinking about composing an opera starring a horse who is underfed, but still rises above his circumstances to save the world in its hour of need. Afterall, there could be no Ride of the Valkyries without horses playing the key role. I am open to suggestions for a working title.
Happy Trails,
Gimli October 10, 2022