Hello everyone. I would like to start this post with a question from a young reader. He writes, “Hi Gimli. I think you’re great! I really like your blog. I just have one question. With those big hooves of yours, how can you type out your blog postings each week?”
Ah, dear child, haven’t you heard of voice recognition software? I simply dictate my reflections into a microphone attached to my PC, and the computer does all the work for me. It’s quite a time-saver! Since you are a regular reader of the Gimli Gazette, you understand the critical role I play here at Mercy Spring Ranch. My time is valuable in keeping this ranch running smoothly.
Another reader writes, “Hello Gimli. When I saw you at the ranch last week, I noticed that you were popping your lips. Were you speaking Unicorn or some other secret horse language?”
Not at all. I was simply popping my lips. It feels great, and makes a fun sound. You should try it sometime.
Another horse gesture that often gets misunderstood is when we pin our ears back. This usually means that we are getting annoyed. I will often pin back my ears when the chickens (who live nearby) sneak into my private paddock. I give them the equivalent of a human “stink eye” by pinning back my ears, but they don’t understand this gesture. I eventually have to use my nose and shoo the chickens out of my living quarters.
Chickens are not the only invaders into my personal space. It is currently shedding season, so horsehair is flying everywhere. Connor is the worst offender! Every time I go for a drink of water, I have to work around a hunk of Connor hair floating in my barrel. We call him the YAK, because he can be as hairy as a Yak (Google Yak if you have never seen one). SNORT… the things I have to put up with in order to be a part of this ranch!
Well, it’s almost time for breakfast, so I will wrap up this blog post. I like to take a nap after breakfast (don’t you wish you could too??!), so don’t wake me if you visit the ranch in the morning. I’m living the Gimli life, and I’m loving it!
Happy Trails,
Gimli March 2, 2022