Hello my friends, and welcome to another edition of the Gimli Gazette, where I restore the lost art of Truth in Journalism with my insights into life at Mercy Spring Ranch.
The year 2025 got off to a great start last Saturday as a group of volunteers began work at the ranch for an upcoming project. They claim that it laid the ground for a new greenhouse, but I can see through this clever ruse. I believe that the ranch is finally getting around to building me the equine spa which I have been requesting for years. The MSR board is meeting right now as I type this. I hope they include a masseuse (or massage therapist) in the budget for my treatments after each dip in the spa.
The volunteers were busy weeding in the garden, and preparing the area for future construction. I would have helped out, but I was needed in the arena where I kept an eye on Connor and Ladyhawke. Those two horses would continually get into trouble without my discipline and model behavior to inspire them.
There were two new volunteers who came out to serve last Saturday. I was touched by their enthusiasm and eagerness to pitch in wherever needed. It’s great to see new folks on the ranch who have a heart for this ministry.
All of the servants that day did a great job. If you feel bad that you missed out on all the fun, you will have another chance to help out this Saturday, January 11th from 9am to Noon. We will be scraping off all the old putty from the greenhouse frame pieces to get them ready for assembly. The more helpers that we have, the quicker the work will be completed. I hope you will be able to join us. Be sure to stop by and say hello to me while you are on the ranch.
With the start of a new year, many people compile lists of resolutions to improve their aspirations for the months to come. Alas, I find no need to make any new year resolutions, since I am always pleased with who I am and what I plan to do with my life. Why mess with perfection??! If any of my animal friends were to make such a resolution, it would probably be something like “Become more like Gimli!”
Well that’s all for this posting. I hope you all have a blessed New Year, and that 2025 will be filled with joy for you all.
Happy Trails,
Gimli January 6, 2025